I changed some detail since my last post about ZoniX, I decided to build it with a DIN 41612 connector for the ECB BUS to go with my Siemens 505-6516 PLC chassis project. This form factor is only for the development process, separated boards on a ECB BUS will be useful for designing the mainboard separately of the “video board” and the “audio board”. The final design should be more like a SBC on a single board.

Right now the schematics for the mainboard is mostly completed and I began to solder the sockets + ECB connector. I had to use two GAL22V10 to combine some 74xx logic to save some space since I’m using 90x150mm boards instead of the 100x160mm Eurocard format. Still waiting on some parts to be delivered but I’ll start to solder the wiring next week!