In my last Z80 I ordered some Altera Max CPLD but after thinkering for a wihile I realized that I had no idea how to program or use them so I put them away. Now I think is time to give them another chance to help me with the glue logic for my 80286. After reading around, I’d put togheter a CPLD programmer on a protoboard for my Altera Max and bought a USB Blaster to connect and program the CPLD via the JTAG header at the botom-right of the board :

After a week of debuging the connections and learning the Quartus software, I was able to upload my first logic to the CPLD.

Now I that I had a working CPLD breakout board, I decided to also make a CPU breakout board and produce some PCBs to able me to cleanly build on a Breadboard :

Here’s the 80286 CPU Breakout board :

And the CPLD Breakout board :

Now waiting on the board to arrive 🙂